I Would Like You To Do Me A Personal Favor 1

I’m gay. To anyone who has met me and heard me open my mouth, this should not come as a shock, or even a faint surprise. The only ways in which I am not a walking lesbian stereotype are that a) I do not have a faux-hawk and b) I am comically terrible at softball ...

I’m Coming Home Via Chicago 1

Thanks to my friend Mark for showing me this awesome Wilco cover. Unlike the original, this works really well for good news. I’ve been looking for a job in San Francisco very hard for the last couple months since I got up here. I’ve had nibbles, I’ve had bites. And then, I had the events ...

Fall TV Fun

My annual TV roundup is a little late this year – I’d intended to do this as a Preview, but Premiere week has come and gone and I got slammed with work, so it’s here now. The good news is, that allowed me to see a good number of the shows that I didn’t have ...

In One Piece

I did make it to San Francisco in one piece – lots and lots of unpacking and a whole hell of a lot of walking have ensued – it’s kind of insane how much easier it is to walk around SF than it is around LA. As an example, here’s a few photos from my ...

Movin’ On Up 4

So I’m moving to San Francisco on Sunday. I’ve mentioned this on Facebook and Twitter, but I thought I’d elaborate a little bit here, since those venues are better for quick takes and updates on the travails of moving and selling all my shit rather than longer explanations. And this is a fairly long explanation. ...

Photo Phun Galore!

So I’ve been super, super busy, but I finally managed to get my pictures of my trip to DC in May up. Highlights include a random visit to the Zoo when I was wandering around town, Mount Vernon, a Nats game, and the Udvar-Hazy center out by Dulles, which is fucking awesome and full of ...


I’ve become quite bad at keeping this updated lately. A few things I have done since my last post: – Officially finished my last class at UCLA Extension. I got my certificate at the end of last quarter, but I took a “just-in-case” class since they weren’t being terribly clear on whether I’d officially get ...

Hey, Look Over There! 3

The complete flatline on this blog means I’ve obviously been a little busy lately. The good news is that I’m pretty much done with my UCLA Extension certificate program – I’m taking one last JavaScript class right now, but everything else is done. The bad news is that in order to actually get someone to ...

I’m Screwed

…if I ever want to move anywhere except Los Angeles. I was just looking at a little weather application I have in my toolbar that pulls current temp/weather for various cities I’ve set up. Currently in my neighborhood in LA it is 40 degrees. And it is 31 in Chicago. And that wee difference makes ...

Thank You For Holding

A few brief snippets from the last couple weeks: I can ski! I briefly tried to ski six months after I hurt my ankle and was in such intense, stabbing pain I had to come down after two runs. I hadn’t skied since I had the surgery to fix my ankle almost four years ago, ...