I’m Screwed

…if I ever want to move anywhere except Los Angeles. I was just looking at a little weather application I have in my toolbar that pulls current temp/weather for various cities I’ve set up. Currently in my neighborhood in LA it is 40 degrees. And it is 31 in Chicago. And that wee difference makes ...

My Irrational Hatred For Tourists Is Now Entirely Rational 1

Sunday afternoon, I finished all my homework early. I wanted to have a nice long workout, and I debated going for a bike ride or going for a swim. It was a really nice day, so I decided to go for a bike ride. I should have gone for a swim. About 32 miles into ...

A New Year’s Excursion

A New Year's Excursion
Garfield Minus Garfield My friends Jessica and Dan were kind enough to invite me along when they wound up with an extra ticket to today’s Rose Bowl. The only difficulty was that Northwestern was playing in the Outback Bowl at 8am, and the Rose Bowl was in Pasadena at 1:30pm. I initially figured I’d just ...

Happy Holidays!

And now, in honor of the holidays, a slideshow of some of my (heavily, heavily cropped due to all the cars coming through) photos from the LA DWP’s Light Festival: Get the flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer Full sizes of everything can be found at Flickr – I realize some of the cropping doesn’t make for ...

It Never Rains In Southern California

But when it does, Conan O’Brien shows a pretty close approximation of what happens next: Hat tip: LAist.

The Value Of A Newspaper These Days

The LA Dodgers are playing the St. Louis Cardinals in the baseball playoffs right now, and as per usual, the mayor of St. Louis and the mayor of LA are making the traditional Stupid Food bets. There are two twists to this one: First, the bets are, of course, occurring on Twitter – Villaraigosa‘s items ...

A Handy Time-Saver

Click this link to the Air Quality map for the greater Los Angeles area. Hover over zone 2, Northwest Coastal L.A. County. If the AQI Value is anywhere over 50 (yellow), that’s bad, and I am probably cranky and complaining a bit about my athsma, but mostly just being bored and unemployed and watching too ...

To The Gentleman In The Vehicle Next To Mine As I Was Departing The Bar This Evening 1

You’d think someone who does enough cocaine that they’ve bothered to purchase a coke spoon would realize that turning the overhead light off in their busted-ass Benz while they’re snorting a giant pile of cocaine would probably be a wise idea. Or perhaps you’re just doing so much coke that you really don’t care who ...

Creative Drought Solutions

Spotted in Encino yesterday: It does look a bit browner in this picture than it does in person – the other non-painted lawns in the neighborhood were looking pretty darn sickly.

Chivalry Ain’t Dead 2

I was on my bike, sitting in the left-turn lane on my way back from the gym this afternoon when a guy in a brand new red Mini convertible flicked his lit cigarette onto the ground right in front of me. I was about to express my displeasure with his action when a guy pulled ...