I’m Coming Home Via Chicago 1

Thanks to my friend Mark for showing me this awesome Wilco cover. Unlike the original, this works really well for good news. I’ve been looking for a job in San Francisco very hard for the last couple months since I got up here. I’ve had nibbles, I’ve had bites. And then, I had the events ...

Twaddle 2

Since I clearly don’t already have enough outlets for my one-liners on the internet between this creaky old blog and Facebook, I broke down and started posting on Twitter. Like most internet things I eventually get into, I resisted for quite a while, not quite seeing the point of it until some of my friends ...

Technology Will Be The End Of Me 4

Oh, Blogger. You make me crazy with your refusals to publish and your half-assed FTP impementation. But oh, WordPress, trying to switch to you is making me EVEN FUCKING CRAZIER. Why didn’t I learn something useful in school, like PHP programming? Then I could figure out what the fucking problem is. More to come, possibly ...

Reader Alert

Posting’s going to be pretty light this week, as I’m trying to keep up the exercise even as we ramp up towards the first day of shooting on the pilot Friday. At this point, I’m spending maybe half an hour each day at home that is not a) doing physical therapy or b) getting ready ...

One Year Later 1

A year ago this weekend, I got on the scale, and the number I saw almost made my eyes bug out of my head. I’d had to greatly reduce my gym time because of my ongoing foot problems, and I hit a number I’d sworn I’d never let myself hit. I saw that number, and ...

Not Flaming

Since I have had several queries: Unlike much of the rest of Southern California, I am not on fire. The closest of the fires to me is the one in Malibu, which is several miles up the coast. I’m slightly more concerned about next weekend, since I’m supposed to go to San Diego to visit ...