I Would Like You To Do Me A Personal Favor 1

I’m gay. To anyone who has met me and heard me open my mouth, this should not come as a shock, or even a faint surprise. The only ways in which I am not a walking lesbian stereotype are that a) I do not have a faux-hawk and b) I am comically terrible at softball ...

Dear Immune System

I’m sorry I got on a plane (aka Germ Transportation Module) at 7am and flew across the country while you were battling some throat/sinus crud. I’m sorry I enjoyed some booze and generally had a life on vacation while the throat/sinus crud got worse. I’m sorry I somehow managed to get pinkeye on top of ...

And I Thought The Guy With The Batman Tramp Stamp Was Bad 2

Dear Guy Getting Out Of The Sauna While I Was Getting Out Of The Pool, 1. Your reverse mohawk with sideburns that go most of the way down your neck does not look cool, nor does it hide the fact that you’re balding. It makes you look like you fell out of 1997, and not ...

Dear Morons 1

To the construction workers at working on that new building just east of Olympic and Bundy: I realize that when you build a building, you have to bring in a large number of steel beams. However, I’d like to request that you do two things for me and my fellow commuters in the future. 1. ...