Photo Phun Galore!

So I’ve been super, super busy, but I finally managed to get my pictures of my trip to DC in May up. Highlights include a random visit to the Zoo when I was wandering around town, Mount Vernon, a Nats game, and the Udvar-Hazy center out by Dulles, which is fucking awesome and full of ...

Fun From My Hometown Paper

The Washington Post has came up with a couple of doozies – the first being one of my personal favorite corrections of all time, which has already made its way around the internets a couple times for its sheer ridiculousness. The second contains one of my favorite kicker quotes in a while: “I’ve been on ...

D.C. Photography

Photos from my trip to D.C. last week are finally up on Flickr, divided into two sets, and thus two slideshows for your time-killing and/or general perusal. My set of wandering around D.C. with Jill, with quite a bit of stuff from my trip to the Air and Space Museum: Get the flash player here: ...

Scenes from D.C.

I went to my erstwhile hometown of Washington, DC this past weekend to attend my friend Maggie’s wedding. It was quite fun and more than a little trippy, considering we’ve known each other since we were five years old and went all the way from Kindergarten through high school together. Photos of the wedding and ...

24 Plays With D.C.’s Time-Traffic Continuum

There’s an amusing article up at the Washington Post, wherein the author points out all the hilariously inaccurate and wholly fabricated locations that 24 has used during its first season set in my ridiculous hometown of Washington D.C. The traditional, “In what universe can you get from the White House to Foxhall Road in five ...

Washington In A Nutshell

In this headline.

Kids: Wise Beyond Their Years

While pursuing Deadspin today, I ran across this video of some of my fellow ‘Skins fans expressing their frustration with the team this year: Sadly for these kids, when I was their age, the ‘Skins won two Super Bowls over the course of four years. I think they’re going to have to wait a while ...

Oh, DC

Not as dumb as the Wilson Bridge Jumper Asshat, but it comes pretty damn close.