Thank You For Holding

A few brief snippets from the last couple weeks: I can ski! I briefly tried to ski six months after I hurt my ankle and was in such intense, stabbing pain I had to come down after two runs. I hadn’t skied since I had the surgery to fix my ankle almost four years ago, ...

Governator Update 3: Rise of the Bunny Slope

My dad passed along the story in the local Sun Valley paper about Arnold’s unfortunate accident, which identifies the culprit run: The California governor, Hollywood actor and part-time Ketchum resident was taken off the mountain in a ski patrol toboggan after he reportedly tripped over his ski pole, fell and broke his right femur near ...

Achtung! Falling Governator! 2

Apparently it’s a good thing I wasn’t out on the slopes today, because I would have had to deal with the circus of Arnold Schwarzenegger snapping his femur up on the mountain. I feel a bit bad for him, as I’m well aware that leg injuries are No Goddamn Fun. Especially if some poor ski ...

Meet The Limpers

Meet George (70 years old). He managed to ski several runs despite a) a pinched nerve that causes chronic back and leg pain and b) falling once on his own, and c) getting plowed into by a snowboarder. Because of b) and c), he was sore enough that he was not able to ski today. ...