I Would Like You To Do Me A Personal Favor 1

I’m gay. To anyone who has met me and heard me open my mouth, this should not come as a shock, or even a faint surprise. The only ways in which I am not a walking lesbian stereotype are that a) I do not have a faux-hawk and b) I am comically terrible at softball ...

Fall TV Fun

My annual TV roundup is a little late this year – I’d intended to do this as a Preview, but Premiere week has come and gone and I got slammed with work, so it’s here now. The good news is, that allowed me to see a good number of the shows that I didn’t have ...

Spain, Part 1: Getting There/Madrid 2

Note: I’m linking to pictures individually as they’re relevant, but if you’re interested in seeing my full photoset for Madrid, please check out my Flickr. I may also do photo slideshow posts at some point, let me know if you’re interested. Previously: The preface. GETTING THERE The flight. Oh, the flight. Not one, not two, ...

So You Want To Move Your Comments From Haloscan To Blogger… 23

Warning to regular readers of this blog: SEVERE Nerd Alert. A lot of folks I know who started their blogs out on Blogger have used HaloScan for commenting since before Blogger implemented comments. Since HaloScan is shutting down in the next few days, you’d think you might want to move all your old comments to ...

Life, v3.0 1

Life, v3.0
Until I was about 21, I thought I was going to be a rock star. Until I was 28, I thought I was going to make movies and TV for a living. Until I was ____, I thought I was going to be a professional computer nerd. — Life has taken a lot of twists ...

Tell You I Hate You

Here’s the long review I promised earlier this week. Bunch of mini-reviews for the pilots I’ve already seen will be up later today. Many people have been asking me, “What the fuck has happened to HBO lately?” I call it Albrecht’s revenge. Chris Albrecht, the former head of HBO who was unceremoniously booted after getting ...

2006 Fall Season Update: I Think We Have A Winner 2

I haven’t been posting much because I’ve been up to my eyeballs in work and in the new fall season of television. I love that my job gives me a nominal excuse to actually watch all this shit. For those keeping score, brief updates on all the shows I’ve been testing out for the fall ...