Thank You For Holding

A few brief snippets from the last couple weeks: I can ski! I briefly tried to ski six months after I hurt my ankle and was in such intense, stabbing pain I had to come down after two runs. I hadn’t skied since I had the surgery to fix my ankle almost four years ago, ...

One Year Later 1

A year ago this weekend, I got on the scale, and the number I saw almost made my eyes bug out of my head. I’d had to greatly reduce my gym time because of my ongoing foot problems, and I hit a number I’d sworn I’d never let myself hit. I saw that number, and ...

Budgetary Realizations

Two things I realize now, after going through my budget with a fine tooth comb to try and kick out a few extra pennies, that I probably should not have done: 1. Moved out of my old Russian-Mob-Owned shithole apartment in Venice. I might have wanted to strangle my neighbors on an hourly basis, but ...

Breaking Out An Old Meme 2

Breaking Out An Old Meme
You’re all now officially On Notice.

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Chicago was awesome. The game was ridiculous. Reuniafest was everything I’d hoped for and then some. I didn’t get to see everyone I wanted to see since I was only in town for two and a half days, but I got to see a decent number of y’all, which was great. I didn’t want to ...

A Sense of Accomplishment 1

I’ve lost 27 pounds since mid-February, despite a three-month break from the gym for two casts and a surgery. That’s good, but it’s not what I’m proud of. What I’m proud of is that finally, nine months into 2007, I’ve finally finished reading 2006 issues of Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, and Entertainment Weekly. If I keep ...

Exercise The Demons

Part of why things have trailed off a touch on this blog is because of the absolutely absurd amount of gym time I’ve been putting in lately. 5 days a week, killing myself at the gym, waiting for the tiny little reward on Sundays when I see that, if I’m lucky and have been trying ...

Fiscal Responsibility Sucks Ass

God DAMN it. I stopped by Best Buy tonight to continue my ongoing research into rigging a GPS into my car by actually looking at one in person. I wasn’t planning on buying anything (for reasons I will elaborate on later in the post), but then I saw two things: 1. Martin Starr, who played ...

Progress Report

So I’m finally back out of the boot, which is good. Walking around in regular shoes for the first time in a couple of months is a bit weird. What’s really weird is that my physical therapist wants me to wear sneakers. I’ve worn nothing but hiking boots for the last several years, so trying ...


The cast is off! Sadly, I still can’t itch the scar because I’m still gauzed up, but at least the stitches are out (that, by the way, hurt like a motherfucker) and I can wash three weeks worth of crap off my leg. It’s still pretty goddamn sore, and I can see a gigantic bruise ...