I’m Coming Home Via Chicago 1

Thanks to my friend Mark for showing me this awesome Wilco cover. Unlike the original, this works really well for good news. I’ve been looking for a job in San Francisco very hard for the last couple months since I got up here. I’ve had nibbles, I’ve had bites. And then, I had the events ...


Been meaning to post this xkcd somewhere because it rings so true, but hadn’t gotten around to it because I’m so damn tired. Between Chaplin being doped up on painkillers for a kidney issue and me being massively sleep-deprived, I’m not sure which one of us is going to become convinced he can talk first.

Apologies For The Radio Silence 3

Apologies For The Radio Silence
I’ve been trying to figure out how the hell the next 2-3 years of my life as an academic are going to work. The process has led to the creation of this ridiculous flowchart: Click to enlarge. Or really, don’t. Even shrinky-dinked, you get a nice little taste of the clusterfuckyness.

So You Want To Move Your Comments From Haloscan To Blogger… 23

Warning to regular readers of this blog: SEVERE Nerd Alert. A lot of folks I know who started their blogs out on Blogger have used HaloScan for commenting since before Blogger implemented comments. Since HaloScan is shutting down in the next few days, you’d think you might want to move all your old comments to ...

It’s All Fun and Games

It’s always fun to play the game, “Do I feel blah because…?” This week’s candidates: I’m bored out of my mind and am slowly feeling my sanity slip away as I go deeper into my fourth month of unemployment? I’m coming down with something? My increasingly unbearable bed is causing me to sleep so poorly ...

Insanity Update 2

Work is completely batshit crazy right now – we premiere in two weeks (Monday January 26th at 10pm, 9pm central after the return of The Closer) so we’ve got all kinds of publicity things on top of the usual insanity, and it’s driving my hours into the range of Completely Loony instead of just the ...

So Close, But Yet So Far

I went for a looooooong bike ride today. I wanted to do the entire Marvin Braude trail, but I came up a little short. The entire trail is 22 miles each way, and I have to bike 2 miles each way to get to the trail. If I’d done the whole thing, I would have ...

Horsing Around

I went horseback riding today with my camera, the pictures that were not completely blurry are now up on Flickr. Western-style riding is ideal for this, since you only need to keep one hand on the reins at all times, instead of both (as you do when you ride English-style). However, it is not ideal ...

I Can’t Feel My Legs

Noted: 35 miles is kind of a long way to bike. Also, I need a better seat. Ow.

Damn You, Elliptical

First, your distance calculator decides that I’m running a thirteen minute mile. If I could run on a treadmill without incurring extreme pain, I feel like it would be maybe an eight or nine minute mile. Nothing to write home about, but certainly not as horrifyingly slow as a 13 minute mile. Then, you arbitrarily ...