I Would Like You To Do Me A Personal Favor 1

I’m gay. To anyone who has met me and heard me open my mouth, this should not come as a shock, or even a faint surprise. The only ways in which I am not a walking lesbian stereotype are that a) I do not have a faux-hawk and b) I am comically terrible at softball ...

Pride 2009

Took me about a week, but I got my metric tonne of pictures from the Gay Pride Parade last weekend up on Flickr. The slideshow (make sure you mouseover the “notes” thing to see my notes): The sun wasn’t out for about the first 2/3 of the parade, so some of the pictures are sadly ...

A Quick Preview

I went to the L.A. Pride Parade in West Hollywood today and took a bajillion pictures, which it’ll probably take me a solid couple days to upload. I’ll be putting up a slideshow when I’m done. In the meantime, please enjoy this preview of things to come:

What Do We Want? Repetitive Chants! Equal Rights! When Do We Want Them? NOW! 2

Sarcasm briefly aside, it was really nice to see the huge turnout (estimated by the cops at 12k, but really, looking at this picture, I think it’s a lot closer to their original estimate of 40k) at the big pro-gay-rights rally today, and some of the speakers were really great. The head of the local ...

What’s Left To Be Said

I am (surprise!) really exhausted and overworked, but I wanted to say something more about Prop. 8 and the ongoing legal and PR battle over gay marriage in California. The thing that offends me the most, absolutely the most, about the reaction to legal challenges to the validity of Proposition 8, is the reaction I ...

Fun With Contextual Advertising 1

Fun With Contextual Advertising
The L.A. Times ran a brilliant editorial today, picking off one by one the arguments for Proposition 8, which seeks to amend the California state constitution to ban gay marriage. However, they should probably consider turning off their context-based advertising on their editorials. Because with contextual advertising, you end up with screenshots like this (click ...

California Celebrates Naked Commercialism

California Celebrates Naked Commercialism
In my inbox this morning, on the morning of the first gay marriages in California, I found the following item from Chemistry.com, a spinoff of Match.com: Yes, that’s right. Chemistry has decided that the best way to market themselves to their generally liberal and potentially queer audience is to nakedly commercialize one of the most ...

Well Done, L.A. Times

They have located the most innocuous-looking lesbians in America for their story about how same-sex marriage will be a huge economic boon to California. I am amused at how much their dog looks like an angry, surly old man, though. “Goddamn kids and their gay weddings. Now they’re going to spend their lives looking at ...

Is This Because I’m A Lesbian?

I strolled out to the mailbox today to retrieve my Netflix movies, the better to facilitate keeping my broke ass at home. I was expecting two movies, but when I opened up the mailbox, I saw three. Huh, I thought, they must have mailed me an extra copy of the Futurama movie, which I mailed ...

Desperation + Goofy Theme Striking = Dating Gold

So the Writer’s Guild division of the Gay Mafia is putting together an LGBT picket, which sounds like ever so much fun. I’ve decided I’m totally going over there, because I might actually be able to get hot/funny writer lesbians to go out with me. You see, while in normal times, my weekly salary would ...