I’m Coming Home Via Chicago 1

Thanks to my friend Mark for showing me this awesome Wilco cover. Unlike the original, this works really well for good news. I’ve been looking for a job in San Francisco very hard for the last couple months since I got up here. I’ve had nibbles, I’ve had bites. And then, I had the events ...

Good News 1

A little job came through – two and a half weeks of work on a pilot presentation (basically, a dirt-cheap pilot), starting Monday. Normally this wouldn’t be terribly exciting, but it’s actually union work for once, so this job means a couple of things. Most importantly, because it’s union and because of the way the ...

Shameless Bragging 4

Shameless Bragging
I got tossed a research project, which is very good for the pocketbook but not so good for having time to do much else. So instead, it’s time for a little shameless bragging in photographic form. Left: January 27, 2007, about three weeks before I finally snapped and decided to do something about my weight. ...

On The Lighter Side 5

25 months and 1 day after I set out to lose 80 pounds I have lost…80 pounds! I decided a while back I want to try and take off another 20 to get down to a BMI of 25, so I’m not done working out like a nutbar or keeping a ridiculously close eye on ...

Two Years Later 4

Two years after I set out to lose eighty pounds, I have swam and swam and ellipticaled and biked and I have now lost…seventy seven pounds. So the pace I set for myself last year was a little ridiculous – I wanted to lose 38 pounds in eight months, and I didn’t really take into ...


“rosa parks sat, so that martin luther king jr. could walk, martin luther king jr. walked, so that barack obama could run. barack obama ran, so we could fly” -The mural currently up on a building I drive by every morning on my way to work. As much of a cynic as I am, and ...

Guess Who’s Finally Home

This time, they actually let me spring him as promised. I don’t know who’s happier, me or him. He’s doing fairly okay – I have to keep a close eye on him to make sure he’s not trying to lick his stitches or chew off his fentanyl patch (being held on by the blue bandage ...

Thank (Insert Your Deity Of Choice Here) 3

I got a job! I start Monday morning, and since the show has a 13 episode order, I’ll be employed for at least a few months this time. I cannot even begin to describe my relief and excitement. Especially because I will FINALLY have enough hours to qualify for Union insurance and be able to ...

Oh, Yeah… 2

I suppose I should say something here before it starts, since I will likely be sucked into a black hole for a couple months once it does: I’ve got a new job starting Wednesday. I’m leaving the HBO pilot I’m on as a PA up in Santa Clarita to work on a Fox pilot as ...

‘Cause I’m A Liar

I realized today when I finally shed one very, very tenacious pound: I am lying about my weight on my driver’s license. The difference from the previous state of affairs? I am now officially one pound lighter than my driver’s license claims I am, instead of being 20 pounds heavier, as I was when I ...