Hey, Look Over There! 3

The complete flatline on this blog means I’ve obviously been a little busy lately. The good news is that I’m pretty much done with my UCLA Extension certificate program – I’m taking one last JavaScript class right now, but everything else is done. The bad news is that in order to actually get someone to ...

Nerd Rage

I’d been backing up my entire hard drive off-site for the last couple years with Mozy, mostly because I’m paranoid about an earthquake destroying both my main and backup drives, though other issues like fire or theft are probably more likely. I liked their service. It was simple, it worked solidly, and the price for ...

Always A Good Sign 1

Clearly, I’m ready to start school  next week with the goal of getting a Masters’ in Computer Science when I failed so hard at researching my new monitor/TV combo for the bedroom that I ordered one that can’t be controlled by a goddamn remote. I took one guy’s statement in a review about being able ...

So You Want To Move Your Comments From Haloscan To Blogger… 23

Warning to regular readers of this blog: SEVERE Nerd Alert. A lot of folks I know who started their blogs out on Blogger have used HaloScan for commenting since before Blogger implemented comments. Since HaloScan is shutting down in the next few days, you’d think you might want to move all your old comments to ...

Zombie Comments

Thanks to Haloscan’s decision to shut down, I’ve finally been able to get all my comments out of their system for free. Took a lot of tweaking my old Blogger stuff and a bunch of help from this awesome Haloscan on Blogger > WordPress script and its author, but I managed to get 1413 of ...

Twaddle 2

Since I clearly don’t already have enough outlets for my one-liners on the internet between this creaky old blog and Facebook, I broke down and started posting on Twitter. Like most internet things I eventually get into, I resisted for quite a while, not quite seeing the point of it until some of my friends ...


I haven’t actually managed to make New Year’s Resolutions in a couple of years. I was so tied up in Chaplin being sick last year that all I could manage to get out was this post, a sentiment I’m tempted to share again this year. For some reason, though, I’m not as angry. Probably helps ...

Life, v3.0 1

Life, v3.0
Until I was about 21, I thought I was going to be a rock star. Until I was 28, I thought I was going to make movies and TV for a living. Until I was ____, I thought I was going to be a professional computer nerd. — Life has taken a lot of twists ...

Paranoia Saves The Day

Nothing quite so brick-shitting as the drive with a clone of your main hard drive up and dying just as you need to reimport its contents onto your main hard drive after doing a clean install of a new operating system. Thank Jeebus I’m paranoid and made a second backup on a different disk before ...

A Quasi-Analog Vacation

Well, I’m now pretty damn glad I got the iPhone. I’m leaving tomorrow to visit dad and Ray Ann in Idaho and of course, last night one of the speakers on my laptop decided it didn’t want to go on the trip. A few seconds of popping, and then an unbelievably high pitched squealing that ...