Photo Phun Galore!

So I’ve been super, super busy, but I finally managed to get my pictures of my trip to DC in May up. Highlights include a random visit to the Zoo when I was wandering around town, Mount Vernon, a Nats game, and the Udvar-Hazy center out by Dulles, which is fucking awesome and full of ...

Spain, Part 1: Getting There/Madrid 2

Note: I’m linking to pictures individually as they’re relevant, but if you’re interested in seeing my full photoset for Madrid, please check out my Flickr. I may also do photo slideshow posts at some point, let me know if you’re interested. Previously: The preface. GETTING THERE The flight. Oh, the flight. Not one, not two, ...

Spain: Preface

I’m going through all of my photos and writing from Spain, trying to collect everything into something resembling coherence. It’s a little harder than I thought, mostly due to the fact that between jetlag and the intensity of my touristing, I was fucking exhausted for most of the trip. A few notes about these little ...

The Problem With Traveling Solo 3

YOU actually have to do all the planning. You can’t fall back on your travel buddy who’s far better than you are at deciphering train and bus timetables, even when you speak the language they’re printed in and he doesn’t. You can’t divvy up researching the “cultural stuff vs. historical stuff” according to who’s more ...

A Month Late And A Dollar Short

A small set of photos from driving Nate’s car cross-country. He, his wife, their two cats, and their two month old son moved from LA to Chicago, and I offered to drive their car since I was scheduled to have nothing better to do and I LOVE roadtrips. This is a mix of stuff shot ...

Dear Immune System

I’m sorry I got on a plane (aka Germ Transportation Module) at 7am and flew across the country while you were battling some throat/sinus crud. I’m sorry I enjoyed some booze and generally had a life on vacation while the throat/sinus crud got worse. I’m sorry I somehow managed to get pinkeye on top of ...

A Much More Interesting Story

I was watching a documentary in ESPN’s excellent 30 for 30 series about the University of Miami’s football program in the 80’s and early ’90s, and like many documentaries, there were a few shots of newspapers of the day, with the stories related to the program highlighted. In one instance, however, I was much more ...

Sweet Home(coming) Chicago

I went to Chicago this past weekend for the annual Reuniafest festivities – My third straight year and one I was only able to make because I got an absolute steal on airfare. I’d been debating whether throwing financial caution to the wind was a good idea, but I am so, so damn glad I ...

D.C. Photography

Photos from my trip to D.C. last week are finally up on Flickr, divided into two sets, and thus two slideshows for your time-killing and/or general perusal. My set of wandering around D.C. with Jill, with quite a bit of stuff from my trip to the Air and Space Museum: Get the flash player here: ...

Scenes from D.C.

I went to my erstwhile hometown of Washington, DC this past weekend to attend my friend Maggie’s wedding. It was quite fun and more than a little trippy, considering we’ve known each other since we were five years old and went all the way from Kindergarten through high school together. Photos of the wedding and ...