A Short Summary of The Last Four and Next Three Weeks

I made the absolute rightest decision I have ever made when I decided that I need to get out of show business.

Good News 1

A little job came through – two and a half weeks of work on a pilot presentation (basically, a dirt-cheap pilot), starting Monday. Normally this wouldn’t be terribly exciting, but it’s actually union work for once, so this job means a couple of things. Most importantly, because it’s union and because of the way the ...

Life, v3.0 1

Life, v3.0
Until I was about 21, I thought I was going to be a rock star. Until I was 28, I thought I was going to make movies and TV for a living. Until I was ____, I thought I was going to be a professional computer nerd. — Life has taken a lot of twists ...

28 And Other Recent Developments

Recently, I have: Turned 28, to relatively little fanfare. Which is probably appropriate, because it’s not a terribly significant birthday. Drinks at the friendly local “We have a ton of awesome beer” establishment were fun, though.  Found a surprisingly viable backup employment plan if I can’t get on anything for the fall season (which I’ll ...

Two Weeks and Two Days

There’s wrapping, and then there’s sticking a fork in it. Starting tomorrow, I’m going to go work for 2 weeks and two days to stick a fork in it. By Good Friday, it should all be gone. The odd thing is, I still have to bring all my crap in, as if I were actually ...


My immune system tends to collapse when shows come to an end. The sheer stress and insanity holds it together for most or all of a season, and then the second I start to relax, boom. I remember when Mark and I went to Europe, I’d just gotten off my second season at Ellen and ...

Work Update 2

I got home 20 minutes ago. I switched shifts with my boss tomorrow, so I have to be at work about three hours earlier than I otherwise would, which means even ditching the gym tomorrow, I have to be asleep in about 20 minutes. When do we wrap again?

Weekend Randomness

Things are still batty at work, but at least I have a whole weekend this weekend. I have taken advantage of it by sleeping an enormous amount and swimming 3km this morning. So, in the continuing spirit of not really feeling like doing anything of substance, I present some weekend randomness. First, a video from ...

*Yawn* 3

I’m tired. Really, really Tired. Worked until 2am Saturday morning then had to get up at 8:30 to drop off Chaplin to get his stitches out Tired. Passed out on the couch repeatedly all day Saturday because I didn’t have the energy to drag myself to bed Tired. Chaplin still bonking into things with his ...

Insanity Update 2

Work is completely batshit crazy right now – we premiere in two weeks (Monday January 26th at 10pm, 9pm central after the return of The Closer) so we’ve got all kinds of publicity things on top of the usual insanity, and it’s driving my hours into the range of Completely Loony instead of just the ...