So You Want To Move Your Comments From Haloscan To Blogger… 23

Warning to regular readers of this blog: SEVERE Nerd Alert. A lot of folks I know who started their blogs out on Blogger have used HaloScan for commenting since before Blogger implemented comments. Since HaloScan is shutting down in the next few days, you’d think you might want to move all your old comments to ...

In Which I Attempt To Blame My Laziness On The Cat 2

I’ve gotten into something of a winter funk. It started out with the aforementioned really awesome stomach bug that left my innards out of sorts and me curled up in pain for a week, and continued into a solid week of pouring rain in LA. Rain in L.A. somehow seems much more depressing and draining ...

Life, v3.0 1

Life, v3.0
Until I was about 21, I thought I was going to be a rock star. Until I was 28, I thought I was going to make movies and TV for a living. Until I was ____, I thought I was going to be a professional computer nerd. — Life has taken a lot of twists ...

Clown’ll Eat Me

I’ve been really tired all week, but somehow I’m still managing to stay up until 2 or 3am. Chaplin seems to be biologically programmed to wake up at about 8am and knock shit over until I drag myself out of bed, so things are not going to be fun until I can convince my body ...

Yep, Still Unemployed

Yep, Still Unemployed
Another pair of unemployment funnies around the internets for your time-killing pleasure. From Indexed: From Garfield Minus Garfield:

Unemployment Funnies 1

Unemployment Funnies
One that I’ve been saving for a while because it so defines the existence of the unemployed person, courtesy of Garfield Minus Garfield: And one that was recently reposted by The Onion, Unemployed Man Getting Really Good At Unemployment: Through a months-long process of trial and error, Higby has learned the tricks of the unemployment ...

It’s All Fun and Games

It’s always fun to play the game, “Do I feel blah because…?” This week’s candidates: I’m bored out of my mind and am slowly feeling my sanity slip away as I go deeper into my fourth month of unemployment? I’m coming down with something? My increasingly unbearable bed is causing me to sleep so poorly ...

Noted and Quoted 2

The rather brilliant Hank Steuver, kicking off his hilarious review of new daytime talk show The Wendy Williams Show: What should be on television in the middle of the day? What should fill the space between all those commercials for personal-injury attorneys, cures for urinary-tract infections and the promises of vo-tech schooling? Should anything be ...

28 And Other Recent Developments

Recently, I have: Turned 28, to relatively little fanfare. Which is probably appropriate, because it’s not a terribly significant birthday. Drinks at the friendly local “We have a ton of awesome beer” establishment were fun, though.  Found a surprisingly viable backup employment plan if I can’t get on anything for the fall season (which I’ll ...

Spring Cleaning

I am a terrible cleaner. I keep my kitchen completely spotless because I spent some time living with people who let food fester and attract pests, but otherwise, my place generally veers between “hit by a tornado” and “aftermath of a car bomb.” Having been unemployed and stuck at home long enough, however, I’ve finally ...