
There was a nice little shake tonight while I was at the office. At first I thought I was finally going completely batshit from lack of sleep, but then our Production Designer (who feels every little shake in his office for some reason) ran out going, “Did you guys feel it?!” The best way to ...

That Ain’t Right 3

That Ain't Right
What the fuck is going on with the weather out West? First it snows six inches in Antelope Valley (just north of Los Angeles) this morning, then I see this: That’s the big fake Pharoah at the Luxor. In fucking LAS VEGAS. Yes, that’s right, folks, Las Vegas got six inches of snow today, too. ...

I Can Almost See The Finish Line 2

A day that was supposed to be a sixth day became a lazy day yesterday, and by doing so I actually managed to get shit done today. By being a complete useless lump all day Saturday, I saved up the energy to do laundry, go grocery shopping, swim 3km in damn good time, dye my ...

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving
This year, I’m thankful for: My job, because it’s nice to have a job I like, let alone any job whatsoever after spending a third of the year unemployed My family for being understanding about me not schlepping my ass to the East Coast for a whopping two days of family time. My friends, for ...


I am tired. A lot physically tired, a little tired of getting run into the ground at work, VERY tired of this election, frustrated-tired of the stupid plateau I hit with my weight, tired of just having no time to do anything except work out, work, and sleep. And the latter of which I really ...

Things, Divided 1

Still just buried in work as we try to get our footing, but a few quick: THINGS I LIKE – This American Life’s podcast this week, aptly titled “Another Frightening Show About The Economy.” You can download it for free from that page for the rest of the week, and it’s a much, much clearer ...

A Tale Of Two Verdicts

October 3, 1995 I was in the student lounge of my high school in D.C., where they’d dragged a bunch of TVs so we could all watch the O.J. verdict. They knew people would cut class to go find TVs elsewhere and watch it anyway, so the administrators just threw up their hands and let ...

A Little Tired

Last week: 6 days, somewhere between 75-80 hours (I pretty much lost count). Today: 13 hours, and lost my boss halfway through the day so I got to pull double-duty for most of the afternoon. Tomorrow: Likely even more ridiculous. I’m bloody exhausted, but I will say: I’m glad I’ve been WAY too busy to ...

Flipping Out 1

I’d like to preface this by stating that the video I’m linking to was shot when I got home four days into a six day week, when I’d already worked well over 50 hours. This means two things: 1. I don’t look too spectacular in this. My hair in particular is starting to go for ...

Rolling Along

Prep is always pretty brutal. Trying to formulate a system to get everyone all the information they need, figuring out exactly what information they actually do need, and even simply trying to get a grip on who the fuck everyone is before we start shooting is a time-consuming and exhausting process. Adding onto that the ...