Meet The New Blog, (Sort Of) The Same As The Old Blog

This whole WordPress bit is largely up and running now, so I’m going to start posting over here. A few minor housekeeping bits: Here are links to the Main RSS Feed and the Comments RSS Feed. You’ll see a few comments from my brief (failed) attempt at using Blogger comments, but I’m still trying to ...

How To Write Off Both Your iPhone And Your Trip To New Zealand

1. Write a website that specializes in taking apart Apple products as soon as they’re released. 2. Realize that the first people in the world to get the new iPhone are in New Zealand. 3. Fly to Auckland to be fourth in line IN THE WORLD for your iPhone, so you can immediately take it ...

The Most Complicated Evil Plot I Have Yet Devised

I think I’ve figured out how to land myself a job interview next Friday. This theory came to me as I was waiting for my Chinese food for an hour and 15 minutes. I really had to pee, but I just KNEW the guy was going to come while I was in the bathroom. Sure ...

Excelsior! 7

You know you’re a geek when you think, “God, this job-hunting would be so much easier with a spreadsheet.” You are an even bigger geek when you actually make that spreadsheet. You realize being a geek is a good thing when said spreadsheet actually does turn out to be helpful.

Let’s Never Fight Again *Hugs Computer*

Hooray! My computer is back! What makes me really happy is that they didn’t wipe my hard drive, so I’m pretty much back up and running immediately, with the exception of a few files I had to move around from the external drive I was saving everything to while I was using the temporary computer. ...

Bad News/Good News

I got a call from the folks at Apple about my computer today. The bad news is, because I have a matte screen on my MacBook Pro and will not even consider getting a glossy screen, they won’t have a part in until Feb 7th, and won’t have my computer back to me until Feb. ...

If You Need Me, I’ll Be Moving To A Cave

…Where there are no electronic things I can break or have crap out on me. The fucking hard drive on the laptop I rented while mine’s getting fixed up and died on me when I got back from work. I ran disk utility off my Leopard install disk (a way you can sometimes fix problems ...

When It Rains, It Pours

I had put my MacBook Pro on that counter before, a thousand times before. I had no reason to think last night was any different. No reason until it came tumbling down, open, about 10pm last night. And that’s when today’s nightmare began. I thought it was fine at first: Everything was working properly, no ...

Dork Dilemmas

Being unemployed in January is probably a good thing for the average gadget geek like myself, since the twin peaks of lust for shiny things both take place during the first couple of weeks of January. The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is taking place in Las Vegas this week, where almost every electronics company is ...

IM Fun

IM Fun
I hereby present a screencap of a brief conversation with a friend and former co-worker that I had yesterday that amused me greatly. I am represented by the Santa chugging a bottle of Jack on the right, while my friend is represented by MacGyver.