A cast itches, there’s no two ways about it. It’s absolutely maddening when it’s in an area I can’t reach, but usually if I ignore it, it goes away pretty quickly. The one thing that’s making me batshit crazy right now is the place where my stitches are itches. And it won’t stop. I could ...
I was a real goody two shoes when I was growing up, so I’ve never actually been grounded. Lately, I feel like I’ve been getting a taste of what I missed out on. It’s been about six weeks since the first cast went on, and I’ve barely left the house. I do still have TV ...
I love my apartment, but being here all the time points out to me with a flashing neon sign its one very glaring flaw: It’s fucking hotter than hell in here. I live on the second floor of my building. There’s very little shade, the airflow is poor, heat rises from downstairs, and when the ...
I joked after what happened last year on my birthday that for my 26th birthday I was going to spend the entire day hiding inside, not doing anything. Turns out I wasn’t kidding. Luckily, I’ve made it through the day so far without hurting anything new, so I’m hoping this is a good sign of ...
Surgery went well, the most painful part of it being getting up at 5am to be at the surgery center at quarter to six. Mercifully, since they just sedated me instead of using full anesthesia, I was out of the surgery center by 9am. The doctor found that the accessory navicular bone that he was ...
A few odds and ends before I disappear into Foot Surgery Land tomorrow: – Disgusting double-entendre of the day. – CBS resurrected Jericho, which makes me happy because I enjoyed how insanely ridiculous that show was. I was not enough of a fan to send unsolicited tons of peanuts to CBS, but still, it’s nice ...
So the surgery is taking place Thursday, June 7th, or 364 days after I first hurt this bad boy, or one day before my birthday. The good news is that I will be on some very excellent drugs for my birthday. Nothing I wanted more this year than to be high as a kite! Well, ...
It’s official: I need surgery. Sometime next week, not sure when yet. Whee! It’s pretty insane how much my left leg atrophied over three weeks. It really looks like it’s from a different person, particularly when compared to my right leg which has been carting my fat ass around all this time. I’d post pictures ...
A few small pieces of flotsam and jetsam, Krazy-glued together into one for your convenience. 1. Doc’s taking off the cast tomorrow, so I find out if (*cough cough* when *cough cough cough*) I need surgery. At least I’ll finally be able to scratch this itch on the outside of my leg that’s been driving ...
Having spoken to precisely two people in person in the last week and a half, including my neighbor who came up to tell me that anytime I ran water in my apartment her kitchen was flooding, it was nice to have Miss Cleo come by tonight. However, I’ve been so starved for human contact, I ...