On Notice 1

The following people, corporate entities, and inanimate objects are hereby on notice: 1. Time Warner Cable. Four hours of pure fiasco, and I still don’t have cable. “It needs to come in from outside” apparently didn’t convey clearly enough the need for drilling, and thus for a signed note from the building manager. The manager, ...

Dear Dipshits

To the fine folks of the company billing me for the services of the doctor in Durango who pronounced my ankle sprained: Your hold system is broken. The first time I called in, I was on hold for over an hour after being told there were 2 callers in front of me. Please have the ...

The Shapiro Health Minute

My dad had surgery Saturday, and he’s doing better. The surgery was a success, although he’s going to have a pretty substantial recovery period since they weren’t able to do it laproscopically. He was still pretty loopy when I talked to him this afternoon, but he sounded good. He wasn’t asking for martinis yet, though. ...

I Have Frozen Peas On My Ankle

Perhaps I should have brought an extra beer with me, to kill the pain of walking back from the fireworks to my friend’s apartment. Of course, perhaps I shouldn’t have walked to the fireworks in the first place. Tomorrow’s going to be fun!

Things You Do Not Want To Hear From Your Doctor

A couple fun scenes from my visit to the orthopedist this morning: As I limp my way into the exam room from the waiting room: Doctor: (surprised) You’re limping! Me: Yeah, I sprained my ankle. I thought you’d heard. Later, during the exam: Doctor: I’m not pleased with how slowly this is progressing. Me: Well, ...

Injury Update Update

Back from the foot and ankle specialist. The good news: The crutches are gone for good (huzzah!), and it’s not broken. The bad news: I have to wear an air cast for at least a couple weeks, and I get to go to 7am physical therapy for at least 4. The coulda-been-worse news: At first ...

Injury Update

I went to my regular doctor, who said that given my progress since the injury, I should be back to 100% in a few weeks. She recommended a foot and ankle specialist for my severe case of parental paranoia, so I’m going there to reassure them tomorrow morning. However, in the meantime, I have been ...

An Inauspicous Start To 25 4

Well, that sucked. I severely sprained my ankle rafting. Acutally, the sad part is it wasn’t wasn’t even rafting: I twisted it about 270 degrees on a rock when we were scouting the big rapid. Luckily, I didn’t break anything, and the sprain is on my left (i.e. non-driving) foot. But I’ll be on crutches ...