Hey, Look Over There! 3

The complete flatline on this blog means I’ve obviously been a little busy lately. The good news is that I’m pretty much done with my UCLA Extension certificate program – I’m taking one last JavaScript class right now, but everything else is done. The bad news is that in order to actually get someone to ...

Thank You For Holding

A few brief snippets from the last couple weeks: I can ski! I briefly tried to ski six months after I hurt my ankle and was in such intense, stabbing pain I had to come down after two runs. I hadn’t skied since I had the surgery to fix my ankle almost four years ago, ...

Plan Z Is WAY Ahead of You! 1

Remember this? Yeah, that’s going out the window. That entire plan was predicated on the idea that I would be able to get into UCLA classes through a process known as “concurrent enrollment” – basically, a loophole that allows non-UCLA students who are willing to be last in line and willing to pay for it ...


Been meaning to post this xkcd somewhere because it rings so true, but hadn’t gotten around to it because I’m so damn tired. Between Chaplin being doped up on painkillers for a kidney issue and me being massively sleep-deprived, I’m not sure which one of us is going to become convinced he can talk first.


I’m a little fried. This calc class I’m taking is significantly more difficult than the last one (mostly due to the professor, for reasons which I’m saving for what will be a rather caustic evaluation), and the physics class, which I knew was going to be hard, is pretty damn hard. I’m basically taking the ...

Lincoln, Lincoln, I’ve Been Thinkin’ 1

Lincoln, Lincoln, I've Been Thinkin'
When I took the GRE, I signed up for the “search service” that allows the testing board to send my info to various graduate schools so they can attempt to recruit me and/or offer me scholarships. Which is fine with me, since if someone wants to offer me free grad school, I’m all ears. I ...

Life, v3.0 1

Life, v3.0
Until I was about 21, I thought I was going to be a rock star. Until I was 28, I thought I was going to make movies and TV for a living. Until I was ____, I thought I was going to be a professional computer nerd. — Life has taken a lot of twists ...

The Procrastination Conundrum

I have found that the quickest way to get me to do something I’ve wanted to do but have been putting off for a while is to give me something else that I absolutely have to do, but I really don’t want to do. Example: I’ve been meaning to organize, reduce, and clean up my ...