I’m Screwed

…if I ever want to move anywhere except Los Angeles. I was just looking at a little weather application I have in my toolbar that pulls current temp/weather for various cities I’ve set up. Currently in my neighborhood in LA it is 40 degrees. And it is 31 in Chicago. And that wee difference makes ...

The Problem With Traveling Solo 3

YOU actually have to do all the planning. You can’t fall back on your travel buddy who’s far better than you are at deciphering train and bus timetables, even when you speak the language they’re printed in and he doesn’t. You can’t divvy up researching the “cultural stuff vs. historical stuff” according to who’s more ...


I’m a little fried. This calc class I’m taking is significantly more difficult than the last one (mostly due to the professor, for reasons which I’m saving for what will be a rather caustic evaluation), and the physics class, which I knew was going to be hard, is pretty damn hard. I’m basically taking the ...

Gentlemen, Some Light Venting Music, If You Please 4

I am tired of a few things right about now: unemployment being worried about my cat being sick my cat actually being sick my wireless router constantly flaking on me falling back into my natural sleep pattern of 2am-9am having to adjust to my new orthotics having to get out of the pool while I ...

Getting To The Last Straw

I’ve written repeatedly about how I hate Sprint and their shitty shitty reception with the fire of a thousand suns, but last night just about tore it for me. I had what the phone kept telling me were four bars of reception and yet: I could not place an outgoing phone call for over 20 ...

Life Gets Expensive

Several large expenses are cropping up in my life, and they’ve conveniently chosen to do so a) at the same time and b) when I took an underpaying job just so I wouldn’t lose my mind. Causing the most fun at the moment: The Bed. My bedframe, which has lasted me a good while and ...

Dork Dilemmas

Being unemployed in January is probably a good thing for the average gadget geek like myself, since the twin peaks of lust for shiny things both take place during the first couple of weeks of January. The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is taking place in Las Vegas this week, where almost every electronics company is ...

Breaking Out An Old Meme 2

Breaking Out An Old Meme
You’re all now officially On Notice.

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Chicago was awesome. The game was ridiculous. Reuniafest was everything I’d hoped for and then some. I didn’t get to see everyone I wanted to see since I was only in town for two and a half days, but I got to see a decent number of y’all, which was great. I didn’t want to ...

Exercise The Demons

Part of why things have trailed off a touch on this blog is because of the absolutely absurd amount of gym time I’ve been putting in lately. 5 days a week, killing myself at the gym, waiting for the tiny little reward on Sundays when I see that, if I’m lucky and have been trying ...