Thank You For Holding

A few brief snippets from the last couple weeks: I can ski! I briefly tried to ski six months after I hurt my ankle and was in such intense, stabbing pain I had to come down after two runs. I hadn’t skied since I had the surgery to fix my ankle almost four years ago, ...

Nerd Rage

I’d been backing up my entire hard drive off-site for the last couple years with Mozy, mostly because I’m paranoid about an earthquake destroying both my main and backup drives, though other issues like fire or theft are probably more likely. I liked their service. It was simple, it worked solidly, and the price for ...

Plan Z Is WAY Ahead of You! 1

Remember this? Yeah, that’s going out the window. That entire plan was predicated on the idea that I would be able to get into UCLA classes through a process known as “concurrent enrollment” – basically, a loophole that allows non-UCLA students who are willing to be last in line and willing to pay for it ...

Always A Good Sign 1

Clearly, I’m ready to start school  next week with the goal of getting a Masters’ in Computer Science when I failed so hard at researching my new monitor/TV combo for the bedroom that I ordered one that can’t be controlled by a goddamn remote. I took one guy’s statement in a review about being able ...

So You Want To Move Your Comments From Haloscan To Blogger… 23

Warning to regular readers of this blog: SEVERE Nerd Alert. A lot of folks I know who started their blogs out on Blogger have used HaloScan for commenting since before Blogger implemented comments. Since HaloScan is shutting down in the next few days, you’d think you might want to move all your old comments to ...

Note To Self

I really need to start just bookmarking articles I want to read instead of leaving the tabs open all the time for the rare instance where I do something stupid (like accidentally clicking a link right after Firefox crashes, then quitting when I see that link opening because I think “Oh no, that’s going to ...

Sometimes, Technology Hates Me

Many people assume that because I have a relative facility with technology, it does not randomly decide to hate on me the way it seems to with everyone else. To that, I counter with the events of this evening: I fought with a writer’s crapware laden-computer for half an hour at the end of the ...

The Battle Royale Begins 3

The Battle Royale Begins
Today marks the end of my Sprint contract, and the beginning of a technological battle royale. Let’s meet the contestants! IN THE RED CORNER…. The Blackberry 8703e, better known as the Crackberry. A practically indestructible phone on a shittastic network. A phone that I’ve dropped on concrete or asphalt so many times I’ve lost count. ...

I May Never Leave The House Again

From the department of It’s About Fucking Time: TiVo and Netflix sign a deal to allow Netflix Watch Now streaming to Series 3 TiVos. If only I had time to watch half the shit I’m TiVoing right now, let alone the Netflix discs rotting by my TV. At least this will be a good way ...


Well, all the posts that imported seem to have reverted to GMT. I’ve got to figure out how to fix that. Update: Yeah, I have to go through and hand-update all 1885 posts. At least it’ll kill some Unemployment Time.