Dear Morons 1

To the construction workers at working on that new building just east of Olympic and Bundy:

I realize that when you build a building, you have to bring in a large number of steel beams. However, I’d like to request that you do two things for me and my fellow commuters in the future.

1. Don’t schedule the steel beams to arrive at 7:45 in the morning, or really at any point between 7 and 9am, also known as Rush Hour.

2. Don’t have the truck carrying the steel beams be driven by someone who obviously very recently got their trucking license.

It was fun to sit and twiddle my thumbs on Olympic for 15 minutes while you tried – 12 times before I fucking lost count – to back the truck laden with beams onto the construction site.

I realize my fellow commuters weren’t helping by leaning on their horns, but I certainly understand their desire to express their frustration.

Seriously, do not pull that shit during rush hour again or I will get out of my car and steal your little hand-held stop sign and beat you about the head with it.

Love and kisses,

One comment on “Dear Morons

  1. Reply Rebecca Oct 25,2006 9:38 am

    When I was interning in Hollywood, I would always manage to catch the Trader Joe’s delivery on La Brea at a randomly inconvenient hour. That’s when I learned I liked Highland better.

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