I am tired of a few things right about now: unemployment being worried about my cat being sick my cat actually being sick my wireless router constantly flaking on me falling back into my natural sleep pattern of 2am-9am having to adjust to my new orthotics having to get out of the pool while I ...
I really need to remember when I’m not working that I need to adjust my caffeine orders on the rare occasion when I go to Starbucks. I was tired and going to a movie that I defintiely needed to stay awake through, so I stopped by Starbucks and ordered my standard drink: A triple grande ...
Very, very little is happening in my world right now, and there are two things to blame for this. One is a usual suspect: Unemployment. The more unusual suspect is my car. My car has been a rock. Ten years old, eight of them under my care. Other than routine maintenance and a couple cosmetic ...
When you’re unemployed, there is an awful, awful lot of time to kill, and you quickly become aware of what ways you best tolerate killing time without falling into a paralyzing boredom. I’ve divided my potential time killers into three categories: I. Things I Will Do To Kill Time: Read entire contents of internet by ...
It takes a lot to make me stop watching a show. Evidence: I have watched every single episode of ER since its premiere. IN FUCKING 1994. But I’m with Alan Sepinwall on this one: Heroes has lost me for good, and not because of anything in particular, but because of the sum total of its ...
It used to take me at least two weeks to start losing my mind and climbing the walls after becoming unemployed. My last day was last Tuesday, and I’m already starting to feel like the walls are closing in on me. I really ought to consider a career where I don’t bounce between fourteen hour ...
Tuesday was my last day. With me fighting off the lingering last bits of a nasty chest cold and Chaplin putting another spin of not-funny on the Six Million Dollar Cat joke with a UTI, maybe this isn’t the worst time for me to be unemployed. I will say though, the fact that this chesty, ...
I got a job! I start Monday morning, and since the show has a 13 episode order, I’ll be employed for at least a few months this time. I cannot even begin to describe my relief and excitement. Especially because I will FINALLY have enough hours to qualify for Union insurance and be able to ...