God Bless ‘Em

God Bless 'Em
As much as religious folk drive me crazy, they can be quite entertaining when they have a good sense of humor. To wit, something I saw as I was leaving a gas station in Twin Falls, Idaho this afternoon: It took me a second to completely get it, but that’s just brilliant.

Travel Advisory

I’m getting the fuck out of Los Angeles for a bit, taking a mini-roadtrip around the West for the next two weeks. Yes, I’m aware of the irony (and bastardness) of taking a vacation from my vacation. The sad thing is, I’ll probably end up getting a lot more done when I’m on the road ...

Beating A Dead Horse

I finally dragged myself to go see Farenheit 9/11 tonight, three weeks after it came out and two and a half after everyone and their assorted relatives weighed in on it. It is a bit of beating a dead horse to talk about the movie at this point, but like most people who’ve seen it, ...


Why is it that, just as I’m about to leave town for two weeks, my apartment is cleaner than it’s been in at least six months, if not since I moved in? And precisely how long after I return will it return to its former state of squalor?


The technical issue is fixed! Now I can post links to dumb reporters bitching about internet dating without fear of my browser going insane. And if you know me well, you know that’s an all-consuming fear.


There seems to be some sort of posting problem with Safari. It ate my post last night (twice), so now I’m on creaky-ass IE for Mac until they fix it. Bah.

The Onion Has Been Watching Me

I saw this in the Onion and giggled, because this describes a few (though thankfully not too many) of my hiatus days to a frighteningly accurate degree: Noisy Upstairs Neighbors Wake Man At 3pm SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA—The inconsiderate residents of the apartment above Jim Bracker, 23, woke him from a sound slumber several minutes ...

Question 1

Why do sunblock makers still feel a need to make their products reek of coconut? I slathered on sunblock since I’m going out in a bit, and as I wait for a call from the people I’m supposed to meet, I’m sitting in my apartment and slowly making the whole place smell like a piña ...

Geek Paradise 3

I made a purchase today that seems to show a dividing line among my friends: The hardcore techno-geeks from…well, the sane. I bought a little wireless netowrk reciever for my TiVo that allows me to schedule recordings via the internet while I’m out of town, and view photos and play mp3’s off my computer. The ...

Six Feet Under 5

I absolutely adore Six Feet Under. It’s really ironic, since I’m scared shitless of death, but that’s a post for another day. Today, we’re discussing television. It’s a fascinating show, and I just blew through all of the second season DVDs in three days. My new all-time favorite monologue in television history is uttered in ...