My voice is totally gone right now, but notwithstanding that, I can’t even tell you how happy I am. Party: Done, and seemed to be enjoyed. Gift: Done, and seemed to be enjoyed. Filming….uh, not so done, but hopefully done by the end of the week. But party and gift, done! Woo Hoo! *passes out*

It Begins Again

My boss’s episode shoots one night tomorrow night (yes, Saturday. Don’t get me started.), then starts shooting for real on thursday, so I’m going to be back in the black hole of 16 hour days for a while. I should have a more concrete update on the Foot Fiasco of ’07 sometime late next week, ...

Thank You, Jeebus

I am very, very, very glad that Good Friday is a union holiday. I’m so fucking tired I don’t think I would have made it through tomorrow without descending into narcolepsy.

Cue Handel’s Messiah

Woo hoo! Holiday crew gifts are out. Holiday party is over (and people seemed to have a good time). My Week O’Hell is OVER. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to go sleep for a long, long, long time.

Not Dead Yet

Yes, I am still alive. Down the rabbit hole a bit, but still alive. Here’s a brief recap of a few things going on: – Thanksgiving with mom went well, then Cleo stopped by for a few days. I need a neon “vacancy” sign. – I joined 24 Hour Fitness. I’m trying to work out ...

Man 4

I am tired. How you doin’?

On Your Mark, Get Set, Week! 2

Posting will be light this week due to the following whiny excuses reasons: 1. I have to go to the dentist at 7am tomorrow and get a cavity filled. 2. I have to do about a week and a half’s worth of work in three days. Oh, and do so while pulling double-duty on Wednesday. ...

How Tired Am I? 1

So tired that when I was at the hardware store tonight waiting for the credit card swiper to bring up the signature page, I started randomly singing the “doo doo doo dee doo dee doo doo do” part of The Hustle…out loud. The clerk noticed, and called me on it. I told him it was ...