On Your Mark, Get Set, Week! 2

Posting will be light this week due to the following whiny excuses reasons:

1. I have to go to the dentist at 7am tomorrow and get a cavity filled.

2. I have to do about a week and a half’s worth of work in three days. Oh, and do so while pulling double-duty on Wednesday.

3. My mom is coming to town.

4. Because of #3, I spent half the weekend cleaning and will spend most of tomorrow doing so as well.

5. I agreed to bake a pie (and signed mom up to bake one, too) for the potluck Thanksgiving we’re going to. This is my first attempt at baking a pie. While I’m generally good at baking things, I sense that this is going to be hilarious.

6. Did I mention that my mom is coming to town?

7. I’m finally rejoining a health club Saturday, so I have to go exercise. No, seriously.

Wheeeeeeeeee! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

2 thoughts on “On Your Mark, Get Set, Week!

  1. Reply Cameron Nov 20,2006 9:11 pm

    what kind of pie? i made blueberry pie for the first time last night and it was surprisingly easy and good. ergo, i win life.

  2. Reply Ellen Nov 21,2006 4:18 am

    Pecan. It’s gonna be fun.

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