Not Dead Yet

Yes, I am still alive. Down the rabbit hole a bit, but still alive. Here’s a brief recap of a few things going on:

– Thanksgiving with mom went well, then Cleo stopped by for a few days. I need a neon “vacancy” sign.

– I joined 24 Hour Fitness. I’m trying to work out 4-5 days a week, 45 minutes a day. Doing this means getting up at 6am every. damn. day. during the week. Because of this, I’m a little tired.

– Work has been insane. This past week was less insane than the previous week, but still nice and batshit crazy.

– UCLA beating USC and thus knocking Florida into the title game has set up a battle royale over college football between two of my good friends. It is going to be hilarious.

– Did I mention that I’m a little tired?

– I got a fortune cookie with my Chinese food tonight that told me, “An admirer is concealing his affection from you.” I found this rather weird.

– This week is going to be completely nuts because Saturday is the holiday party, which I’ve spent the last couple months pulling together. And I’m singing with the band that’s playing…and I haven’t sung in front of 300 people in about 3 years.

– My head hurts. Then again, so does every muscle in my body. So I suppose that evens out.

More than likely no blogging this week again. Once I have some shred of sanity back, it will return. Until then, I’m afraid you’re just going to have to entertain yourselves.

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