I should probably let you all know that I’m getting my wisdom teeth pulled in about 12 hours or so, and will be given a great many painkillers. I will thus be unable to walk, think, or speak, let alone type for at least the next couple of days. I will try my damndest to ...
Yet another reason I’m glad I’m out of D.C.: No more constant 9/11 tributes every time I try to listen to the radio. D.C. has every reason to have more 9/11 coverage in its newspapers and TV stations and news radio stations. After all, almost 200 people were killed when a plane hit the Pentagon. ...
Ok, so I know from talking to other women that I am not the only one who gets that weird naked feeling when I shave my legs if I haven’t shaved them in a while. My question to the gentlemen: Do you get that when you shave your face in the morning? Is it more ...
I said goodbye to my house last week. My mom, as I mentioned about a quarter billion times, is selling the house I grew up in. I went home to clean it out. This was an enormously difficult task, as I have quite a huge amount of shit. I’m a horrid pack rat, and I ...
My memory has been shot for some time now. I think that a lot of it has to do with the massive amount of facts that I have to memorize and then can forget at the end of the quarter. Thus, I cannot remember anything at all for more than 2 months, and most stuff ...
So I walk into a Waffle House just outside of Columbus, Ohio on the drive from DC to Champaign, Illinois to visit Ray and Elisa, my friends who got married in Dallas. Anyway, I walk into the Waffle House, and I go to sit down at the counter. There’s an old man, probably 85 or ...
Home is an odd thing, especially when your task is to remove it of all traces of your life there. All my stuffed animals? Most given away, a few I can’t bear to part with bagged up and ready to come home. The giant piles of magazines? In the trash or boxed up. All my ...
I’m going to be in DC for the next little bit helping my mom get ready to move, so I probably won’t post for a few days. My apologies to anyone who finds this weblog terribly interesting.