Nerd Rage

I’d been backing up my entire hard drive off-site for the last couple years with Mozy, mostly because I’m paranoid about an earthquake destroying both my main and backup drives, though other issues like fire or theft are probably more likely. I liked their service. It was simple, it worked solidly, and the price for ...

Spain, Part 1: Getting There/Madrid 2

Note: I’m linking to pictures individually as they’re relevant, but if you’re interested in seeing my full photoset for Madrid, please check out my Flickr. I may also do photo slideshow posts at some point, let me know if you’re interested. Previously: The preface. GETTING THERE The flight. Oh, the flight. Not one, not two, ...

Spain: Preface

I’m going through all of my photos and writing from Spain, trying to collect everything into something resembling coherence. It’s a little harder than I thought, mostly due to the fact that between jetlag and the intensity of my touristing, I was fucking exhausted for most of the trip. A few notes about these little ...

This Story Is Only Hilarious Because I Lived To Tell The Tale 3

I’ve been riding Bike 2.0 around a lot – partly to break it in, and partly because of an ear infection that’s keeping me out of the pool until after Thanksgiving. Since I ride on the Pacific Coast Highway and through Westwood Village quite a bit, I see a lot of really stupid driver behavior ...

The Problem With Traveling Solo 3

YOU actually have to do all the planning. You can’t fall back on your travel buddy who’s far better than you are at deciphering train and bus timetables, even when you speak the language they’re printed in and he doesn’t. You can’t divvy up researching the “cultural stuff vs. historical stuff” according to who’s more ...

Bye Bye Bikey 2

July 29th, I bought a new bike. It took three months minus one day for it to get stolen. I got home last night around 10pm, and as I have for the last three months (minus one day), I locked my bike to my roommate’s flat-tired, rusted-out bike, which is (well, was) locked to a ...

Reuniafest 2010

Below, shots of my trip to Chicago for Northwestern Homecoming – lots of fun, friends, and general shenanigans that I enjoyed quite a bit. Get the flash player here: You’ll see that I also used this trip as an excuse to take a dry run with my new Powershot S95, which is great for ...

How A 66-96 Finish Can Be Considered A Minor Miracle

I grew up a fan of the Baltimore Orioles, a necessity for a baseball-loving kid in D.C. in the 80’s, a time when the hope of even having a team as perennially awful as the Nationals was barely a dream. I’ve stayed an O’s fan long after I moved away, lamenting dumbfuck trade after insane ...

Too Much TV, Fall ’10 Edition 5

My annual post-premiere week roundup of all the new shows I’ve tried out, so that a) I can advise those of you who want to know what shows are worth your time and b) convince myself that watching all this shit has been worth my time. I’ll try to disclose anywhere I’ve got friends working ...

Plan Z Is WAY Ahead of You! 1

Remember this? Yeah, that’s going out the window. That entire plan was predicated on the idea that I would be able to get into UCLA classes through a process known as “concurrent enrollment” – basically, a loophole that allows non-UCLA students who are willing to be last in line and willing to pay for it ...