Fall TV Fun

My annual TV roundup is a little late this year – I’d intended to do this as a Preview, but Premiere week has come and gone and I got slammed with work, so it’s here now. The good news is, that allowed me to see a good number of the shows that I didn’t have ...


I’ve become quite bad at keeping this updated lately. A few things I have done since my last post: – Officially finished my last class at UCLA Extension. I got my certificate at the end of last quarter, but I took a “just-in-case” class since they weren’t being terribly clear on whether I’d officially get ...

An Entirely Appropriate Response

You know those tone-deaf ads for Leno returning to 11:35 set to the Beatles’ “Get Back”? Someone put together a version with a much more apt song choice: Genius. As the Onion AV Club said, Great Job, Internet!

Gone Mobile

Testing out the WordPress iPhone app, the better with which to post drunken impromptu bitch sessions I will later regret from locations far and wide. Looks as if I still have to figure out how to add categories, but otherwise, it’s pretty damn slick.

The Curse Of The Oversized Shirts 3

Having lost a fairly large amount of weight, I now have a lot of stuff that doesn’t fit. I gave the vast majority of it to Goodwill, which is probably appropriate since that’s where I’m now buying most of the clothing to replace what no longer fits. However, I’m a bit torn about what to ...

For The Record

In case any of you were wondering, I am not the Ellen Shapiro mentioned in this story. Hint #1 is that the story mentions she was married in 1968, whereas I was born in 1981. Also, I am not married. Also, I cannot legally get married (thanks, Prop 8!). Hint #2 is that my father ...

Cross Your Fingers

They’re going to take a shot at another procedure tomorrow that might, if it works and he gets lucky, keep Chaplin from needing any more surgery. I’ll refrain from spelling out the details to spare the delicate sensibilities of the gentlemen in the audience, but let’s just say that if this works, the outcome is ...

Dept. Of Misnomers 2

Dept. Of Misnomers
FedEx’s SmartPost service does not live up to its name. The idea is that they leverage the FedEx system to get a package most of the way, and then the US Postal Service to get it the “last mile” to the customer. So you get the best of both worlds, with FedEx’s expertise in covering ...

I’m Coming Home Via Chicago

A truly brutal early week (seriously, I’m bribing my boss with whatever change I can scrape off the floor of my car to never have to be at work at 6am again) left posting a bit light this week… …and it ain’t going to get much better, since I’m hopping a plane to Chicago for ...

Fun From The Archives 1

As I go through and update the dates and times that got fucked up in the Blogger-to-Wordpress transition, I’m glancing through my old posts and occasionally coming across things that seem really funny in retrospect. Particularly given that I’ll be driving to Vegas tomorrow and will consider any gas price below $4 a gallon a ...