In Bruges 1

In honor of the movie that’s recently come out (which I have not yet seen, but Tim, of course, has), I wanted to remind people that I have, in fact, actually been to Bruges.

I even have photographic evidence of this fact. I even have evidence that Mark was there with me, and that he was way taller than the people the brewery designed to accomodate.

My personal favorite picture is not any of the carefully preserved 1600’s architecture that Bruges is so famous for, but the following piece of propaganda from their chocolate museum (click to enlarge):

Come on, just eat things in moderation and you won’t get fat! It’s just that easy!

One comment on “In Bruges

  1. Reply Pat Feb 12,2008 4:24 pm

    This reminds me of one of the many, many quotable lines in the movie, in which Colin Farrell, trying to think if he has any Belgian jokes, says “You’re the one with all the child abusers, right? I do have a Belgian joke! What’s Belgium known for? Chocolates and child abuse. And they only invented the chocolate to get at the kids.”

    Allegedly, the Bruges tourism board loved the movie. Go figure…

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