Fun With Legislation

Did you watch Napoleon Dynamite? Then you will thoroughly enjoy the state of Idaho’s decree recognizing the filmmakers.

This is the greatest bit of legislating I’ve seen in quite some time. A few of the choice “whereas”es:

WHEREAS, tater tots figure prominently in this film thus promoting Idaho’s most famous export…

WHEREAS, Uncle Rico’s football skills are a testament to Idaho athletics…

WHEREAS, Napoleon’s bicycle and Kip’s skateboard promote better air quality and carpooling as alternatives to fuel-dependent methods of transportation…

WHEREAS, Kip’s relationship with LaFawnduh is a tribute to e-commerce and Idaho’s technology-driven industry…

WHEREAS, Napoleon’s tetherball dexterity emphasizes the importance of physical education in Idaho public schools…

WHEREAS, any members of the House of Representatives or the Senate of the Legislature of the State of Idaho who choose to vote “Nay” on this concurrent resolution are “FREAKIN’ IDIOTS!” and run the risk of having the “Worst Day of Their Lives!”

Clearly, not one member of the Idaho legislature actually read this bill.

Thanks to Dave for pointing me to the actual bill.

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