It Never Rains In Southern California

But when it does, Conan O’Brien shows a pretty close approximation of what happens next: Hat tip: LAist.

And Now, Some Hypnotic Waves

I rode my bike roughly 86 miles between Wednesday’s 46 mile ride and Saturday’s 40 mile ride. Saturday also featured some ridiculously high surf. Click the link to See my ever-so-fun iPhone video of it (still trying to figure out a way to do embeddable flash without sticking it on YouTube Edit: Aha! Flickr does ...

Swingin’ Weather

Southern California has ben beset by wild temperature swings in the last week. Last Monday I was in my poorly-insulated apartment, battling a nighttime low in the high 40’s while bundled under layers of blankets with Chaplin curled up next to me for warmth. Seven days later, it’s 11am, and my little weather program is ...

That Ain’t Right 3

That Ain't Right
What the fuck is going on with the weather out West? First it snows six inches in Antelope Valley (just north of Los Angeles) this morning, then I see this: That’s the big fake Pharoah at the Luxor. In fucking LAS VEGAS. Yes, that’s right, folks, Las Vegas got six inches of snow today, too. ...

Partly Cloudy With A Chance of DOOOOOM 1

Partly Cloudy With A Chance of DOOOOOM
Today’s forecast was partly cloudy, 0% chance of rain, as it normally is between mid-March and late October in Southern California. I thought it was weird enough when I looked out the window around noon, and there was a freak rainstorm downtown with raindrops so large that I thought it was hailing. But out in ...

I Don’t Know Why I Find This Amusing

I think because I’m so tired I’m finding everything funny… Earlier tonight, a tornado went right over the headquarters of the National Weather Service, which, among many many other things, tracks tornadoes and tries to predict where they’re going to go. That must have been a fun realization: “Steve, how’s that twister you’re tracking?” “Uh…RUN!” ...