Horsing Around

I went horseback riding today with my camera, the pictures that were not completely blurry are now up on Flickr. Western-style riding is ideal for this, since you only need to keep one hand on the reins at all times, instead of both (as you do when you ride English-style). However, it is not ideal ...


Went for a little ride with the Old Fart Bike Brigade: Atlanta Edition today. And when I say “a little ride”, I mean this nice 28 mile loop. I’m a little tired now.  While I did manage to do better than my dad (in his defense, he’s almost 72 and I’m 27), I was slightly ...

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted 2

Vegas was a good news, bad news situation. The bad news was that I lost $15 playing Roulette, because I never fucking remember that you have to have at least $100 to win squat at Roulette until I drop at least $10 in the frame of three minutes. The good news was that I turned ...

I Can’t Feel My Legs

Noted: 35 miles is kind of a long way to bike. Also, I need a better seat. Ow.

Damn You, Elliptical

First, your distance calculator decides that I’m running a thirteen minute mile. If I could run on a treadmill without incurring extreme pain, I feel like it would be maybe an eight or nine minute mile. Nothing to write home about, but certainly not as horrifyingly slow as a 13 minute mile. Then, you arbitrarily ...

Miscellany From The Last Day of Shooting 4

A few bits of errata, Laz style: — Because we were on a Wednesday-Sunday shooting schedule, I had taken to calling each day “Fake ____”. Like Wednesday was Fake Monday, Thursday was Fake Tuesday, Friday was Fake Wednesday. Today, the last day I have to deal with this shift, I found a flaw in my ...

There Goes That Idea

All the good ellipticals were taken at the gym this evening, so I elected to try doing some jogging on the treadmill to see if my idea to improve my gym triathalon time would work. I got about three steps and my ankle gave me a very decisive (and rather painful) verdict of “Fuck you, ...

Tri’ed and Failed

Did another gym triathlon this morning, and instead of being able to at least make the same time, if not make up time, I actually did ten minutes worse, coming in at exactly 2 hours. I think almost all of that increase can be blamed on using a different type of elliptical machine. I’m debating ...

You’ve Gotta Have Goals

If I actually manage to lose enough weight to get down to where I really want to be, I will totally be doing this: Formerly Obese Man Always Showing Everyone His Old Pants RUFFS DALE, PA—According to John Swink’s friends, family, coworkers, and casual acquaintances, as well as a growing number of local waiters and… ...

Things I Did Not Need To See

…at 5:30 this morning as I dragged my sorry ass to the gym: A freakishly gigantic spider dangling from my porch light RIGHT AT EYE LEVEL. I considered stomping on it when it rapidly descended to the ground, but the damn thing was so big, I feared I would only make it angry. I’m just ...