Amusing Things From The Interweb 2

Thing the first: Los Angeles apparently has the best mass transit system in the country.

Metro beat out major transit agencies in New York, Chicago and Washington, D.C., to win the award.

Clean-air buses, customer satisfaction and expanded service all helped Metro secure the national award.

It’s a lot easier to keep customers satisfied when you have so very very few of them.

Thing the second: The most amusing headline of the day for Film School Nerds such as myself.

Thing the third: The Canadian Army vs. 10-Foot-Tall Weed Plants in Afghanistan. My favorite part is the description of what happened to troops in the area when some genius tried to eradicate the plants by setting them on fire.

2 thoughts on “Amusing Things From The Interweb

  1. Reply Laz Oct 13,2006 5:51 pm

    Did you see Trixie The Whore was on Lost this week?!

  2. Reply Ellen Oct 13,2006 7:36 pm

    I did indeed. And I was very confused, since I hadn’t heard she was going to be on Lost, and she’s also doing a guest spot on ER, which started airing last week.

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