Yikes 2

This probably wasn’t the most dignified way for the Caps to wind up tying their playoff game last night:

Note the guy that falls over: He took a direct hit to the family jewels with the puck, and now the poor bastard might wind up minus one of them.

Yow. Even being a Caps fan, I’m not sure that play shouldn’t have been blown dead before Mike Green scored. I think it happened too fast for the refs to realize what had happened, but still, sucks for the Flyers.

Thanks(?) to Deadspin for the tip.

2 thoughts on “Yikes

  1. Reply km Apr 12,2008 8:47 pm

    yes. yes it does.

  2. Reply TRoyal Apr 14,2008 10:03 pm

    Ow. Just, ow. But, like the legions of people who remember Bartman and other one play wonders, those were events that could have easily been dealt with by, I dunno, stopping the puck, Mr. FLyers Goalie Who Saw The Puck And Got Screened By His Own D-Men.

    Still can’t root for the Caps, though.

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