Weigel Is Probably The Only Person Who Considers This A Celebrity Sighting 7

I rode on a chairlift with the former mayor of Los Angeles this morning.

My dad and I were getting on the chair when we were joined by a ski instructor and an older guy, and during the usual chairlift small talk (“Where ya from?”), he introduced himself.

“Hi, I’m Dick! What’s your name?”

“I’m Ellen.”

“Ellen, what’s your last name?”

“Shapiro. Yours?”


Something in my mind clicked, but I couldn’t immediately place where I knew the name from.

Then he mentioned living in L.A., and I started to make the connection. Then he mentioned knowing Kenny Rogers and having P.R. people, and I was like…ahaaaa…

My dad had no idea who he was (until I told him later) and just sort of chatted with him about law school. I shook his hand as I got off the chair, though I didn’t mention that I knew who he was.

I realized later I should have immediately known he was a politician from the way he talked, but I guess being out of D.C. for five and a half years has killed my politician-dar.

Still, pretty damn random and amusing.

7 thoughts on “Weigel Is Probably The Only Person Who Considers This A Celebrity Sighting

  1. Reply Cleo Nov 30,-0001 12:00 am

    Actually, since Richard was mayor when I resided in LA, I too consider it a celebrity sighting.

  2. Reply Laz Dec 26,2004 10:48 pm

    Sounds like he was fishing for recognition. Who asks a stranger on a chairlift for their last name?!

  3. Reply Dave Weigel Dec 26,2004 11:09 pm

    You’re damn right I consider this a celebrity sighting. Dick Riordan is worth his weight in OC cast members.

  4. Reply Ellen Dec 26,2004 11:10 pm

    To answer Laz’s question: Politicians.

  5. Reply Patrick Dec 27,2004 3:54 pm

    That’s pretty cool. I want to go skiing and ride the chairlift with Marion Barry. (Insert fresh powder joke here.)

  6. Reply TRoyal Dec 27,2004 11:28 pm

    As a former Los Angeleno, I have to admit that you’ve been in the presence of more LA mayors than I.

    I must now call my parents and share. That’s awesome.

  7. Reply Nate Dec 28,2004 4:36 am

    Quite awesome. You should have asked him something rude, however.

    I once played golf with the guy who was superintendant of Chicago Public Schools at some time or another. But I didn’t have the stones to ask him something rude, either.

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