The Spy Who I Think Maybe Met Me When I Was A Kid 2

My dad sent me an article this morning about the neighbors of the Plame/Wilsons, and said “See if you recognize a name or two in there.”

I was a bit surprised to read:

David and Victoria Tillotson knew Valerie Plame as a neighbor and friend for more than five years. Plame was, the Tillotsons believed, an international economic consultant, taking occasional trips abroad while looking after her young children in an upper-class enclave of Northwest Washington.

Then, one morning in 2003, David Tillotson read a Robert Novak column that quoted two unidentified administration officials as saying Plame was a CIA operative. ”I was stunned,” Tillotson said.

David was a a good friend of my dad’s for a long time and I’d gone to pool parties they threw for their friends and people in their neighborhood when I was a little kid. I probably met Valerie Plame at least once.

I don’t know whether to cue “It’s a Small World After All” or the theme from The Twilight Zone.

2 thoughts on “The Spy Who I Think Maybe Met Me When I Was A Kid

  1. Reply Mark Oct 28,2005 6:15 pm

    Washington. God.

  2. Reply Ellen Oct 29,2005 10:09 am

    Pretty much. It is nice to be 3,000+ miles away for PlameGate. Living there during the last round of Fun With Special Prosecutors was not fucking fun.

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