Poll Time! 4

Ok, so, I’m thinking about moving. It may not be for a while since theoretically my lease runs through September (although I think my landlord would love to rent my place out for way more than I’m paying for it, so I suspect I might be able to persuade them to let me out early).

Here’s why I think I should move:

1. I hate my next door neighbors, and I’m fairly sure they’re not going anywhere anytime soon.

2. My neighborhood has approximately nothing within walking distance, which I’ve become increasingly irritated with lately.

3. I’ve lived here for almost 3 years, and I’m getting bored.

4. If I lived closer to the beach, I’d exercise more because I could get to the beach with far less fear of getting hit by a car when I went in the dark and/or fog.

5. I think if I pay a couple hundred bucks more a month (which I will *knock wood* soon be able to afford) I can get either a much nicer place or a similar place in a way better location.

Here’s why I think I should stay:

1. My place is a steal for the size and amenities I have, and I’m reasonably sure I can convince my landlord to keep my rent the same for at least another year if I sign a full-year lease.

2. If I stayed, I could save the extra money I’d be putting towards rent for something much more fun.

3. Moving is a HUGE pain in the ass, and I have very, very little desire to actually go through the process of moving. End result? Sure! Actually boxing three years worth of shit up and moving it to another apartment?…HELL no.

4. Chaplin might possibly kill me in my sleep when he sees the boxes.

5. The neighbors may be just as obnoxious, if not more so, wherever I move.

So, move? Stay? What do y’all think?

4 thoughts on “Poll Time!

  1. Reply Rebecca May 3,2006 11:26 am

    What kind of amenities are you talking about? There’s no harm in shopping around. Maybe you’ll find a place that will make up your mind.

    BTW, I second your post from Monday. At least you have a real job to give you a grown up feeling. Some of my co-workers are minors.

  2. Reply Ellen May 3,2006 6:13 pm

    Well, by “amenities” I mean an included parking space, a dishwasher, and laundry on site. Having a garbage disposal is great too, but I’ve definitely gotten way too used to having the dishwasher, and laundry on site has always been on my list of requirements.

    I’m not talking about a pool or any fancy shit like that.

  3. Reply Cleo May 4,2006 1:01 pm

    I say move. Spice it up!

  4. Reply Jon A May 5,2006 10:19 pm

    I agree with Rebecca: see what’s out there, go look at some places, then decide based on what you see.

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