
Fourteen months after deciding I wanted one, and deciding I should get one at Best Buy because I had a big store credit there, I FINALLY found a Best Buy with Wiis in stock at a time when I could actually afford one.

After the last time I came close to getting a Wii eight fucking months ago, I shoved the difference between the store credit and the cost of the Wii into my savings account, and said no matter how fucking broke I was, when I finally found one, I’d be able to buy it.

Today, work sent me out to buy some crappy CD’s, and while pestering the clerk about whether they had one I couldn’t find, I said, “You guys don’t have any Wiis, do you?”

Finally. FINALLY. The answer was yes.

God bless exurbia and its overstocked big-box stores. This store said they sell out in two days when Wiis show up, whereas the one in my more urban area generally sells out in under an hour.

I set it up. I’m way too tired to start trying to play it tonight, but I’ll be killing some serious time this weekend with it.

God help me when I scrape together enough money to buy Guitar Hero. I doubt I’ll ever leave the house again.

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