Hot Hot Hot 4

Here’s why I’m never leaving Southern California: It was 94 here today. Today, November 11 7th! 94!

Too bad the Santa Anas are supposed to die down tonight and it’ll be back the downright chilly high 60’s.

God bless you, Global Warming.

4 thoughts on “Hot Hot Hot

  1. Reply Nate Nov 8,2006 6:05 am

    Today is November 7th.
    You’re confusing Election Day with Veterans Day.

  2. Reply Ellen Nov 8,2006 6:16 am

    Wow, I’m dumb. Corrected.

  3. Reply Laz Nov 8,2006 6:52 am

    It was 56 here today. And I was complaining it was too warm.

  4. Reply Cameron Nov 8,2006 6:31 pm

    all this is exactly why i am leaving southern california as soon as possible.

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