I am tired of a few things right about now:
- unemployment
- being worried about my cat being sick
- my cat actually being sick
- my wireless router constantly flaking on me
- falling back into my natural sleep pattern of 2am-9am
- having to adjust to my new orthotics
- having to get out of the pool while I still have a ton of energy because there’s a line
- being so stressed I still have a ton of energy after swimming 2.5km
- not having a job
- the fact that I’m grinding my teeth when I’m awake now
- my unemployment check being late
- the entire female reproductive process and all the joy it entails
- the four walls of my apartment
- little earthquakes causing petrifying fear of bigger ones
- having to constantly rejigger the numbers of when, exactly, I’m going to go broke
- the continuing need for physical therapy exercises on my bad foot.
- needing a goddamn job.
Some of these won’t be changing any time soon, but the current combination is quickly turning me into a complete fucking crazy person.
that’s a lot of crap going on. *hug*
Dude, I don’t even have a tenth of the crap going on that you do. I don’t know how your head hasn’t exploded yet.
You know what, though, crap is still crap. 🙂
I liked this list — and not just because it made me imagine what light venting music would sound like. The list got to the issues without drama, and I think that puts you ahead of the crowd. Still working on falling asleep, looking forward to catching up some this weekend. With HIMYM, I liked the finale because it made me weirdly less stressed, even just temporarily, hope it did the same for you some.