Parental Advisory 1

I’ve got assorted parental units in town starting today in celebration of Dad’s 70th birthday tomorrow. Weirdness alert: My boss’s mom recently turned 70 as well. I suppose that’s what happens when you wait to have kids until you’re 45. Speaking of weird, did anyone else watch Jericho (shut up, it’s the most unintentionally hilarious ...

I Am Turning Into My Mother

I love my mom, but one of her odder habits is that she hums Christmas carols. Like, 365 days a year. And not even the whole tune, but one phrase, over and over and over again (specifically the title phrase of “Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland”). I’m not even sure she’s aware she’s doing it, ...

This Is Not My Week 2

First, there was the whole issue of the bad timing of my trip to Atlanta. Then when I came back, the cat decided I was a chew toy. Now, we have the trifecta: Disease! All my Atlanta-based relatives came over for brunch on Sunday afternoon, and I got to hold Elias, my 5-month old nephew, ...