Bitterness, Put To Good Use

It appears someone at is as gloriously bitter about being single on Valentine’s Day as I am, and has created an entire Love Stinks site to complement their V-day site.

They really went all the way on this, creating a really hysterical list of Bad Valentine’s Gift Ideas.

Want to piss off your significant other so badly they’ll break up with you? Try:

Deep Wrinkle Night Cream Remover
Sex For Dummies
A 32oz jug of wolf urine
Sheep! magazine

They also have some excellent suggestions for single men and women.

For men:

Stuff and Maxim
A Beer Can Chicken kit
A Les Paul
An Xbox 360

For women:

The Ex knife holder (I totally want one of these)
Thelma & Louise
$600 Dolce & Gabbana boots
Godiva chocolates
A Wonder Woman tank top and underwear set that could double as your haloween costume

And showing up on both lists: Kraft Singles. Classic.

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