The Onion Has Been Intercepting My Nightmares

Because they are spot-on in their excellent story Mom Finds Out About Blog.

Key Quotes:

“I don’t have one of those sites that’s a big tell-all about one-night stands and wild parties,” Widmar said. “I mostly write about the animation I like or little things that happen to me and my friends. But there are definitely things in there that I wouldn’t, well, write home to Mom about.”…

“God, my links alone contain unlimited fodder for Mom’s neuroses,” Widmar said. “She’ll have access to not only my life, but the lives of all my friends who have web sites. She’ll have the names of all the places in Minneapolis where we hang out, which she can—and will—look up. With the raw materials in my blog, she could actually construct an accurate picture of who I am. This is fucking serious.”

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