What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Finally catching up this week’s episode of Commander In Chief, the “OMG! The President is totally a girl!” show on ABC, I noticed one teeny, tiny error.

Well, teeny, since it was only on for a total of less than thirty seconds, but not exactly tiny.

Obviously, since the show is about the President of the United States, the show is supposed to be set in my evil hometown of Washington, D.C. It is, however, shot here in L.A.

So when this image flickered across the screen, most people would not have noticed it. But as a D.C. native and an L.A. resident, I could not help but laugh:

I’ll put the text of what’s wrong in white so you have to highlight it to see it, but see if you can figure it out.

There are HUGE mountains in the background. There are no moutnains of that size anywhere on the East Coast, let alone near D.C.

And they’re pretty obviously the Santa Monica Mountains that bisect L.A., seperating the San Fernando Valley from the rest of the L.A. Basin.

It’s such an L.A. vista that they might as well have put a palm tree or a beach or a shot of the fucking Hollywood sign in there for good measure.

Anyway, somebody needs to get whoever approved the framing of that shot some sleep and a topographical map of the eastern United States.

I think that’s almost as bad as when Bones put Arlington Cemetery and the Lincoln Memorial on the same damn side of the Potomac river, which as you can see here, would require quite a bit of effort.

Ah, nitpicking. The heart and soul of true Television Nerddom.

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