The Most Frightening Car Ever

Mark’s here, and we’ve been driving around a lot as I show him assorted sights. The one thing we were not planning on seeing was the Scariest Car Ever.

It was a burgundy, beat-up, mid-80’s Honda Accord. The license plate was I [Heart] CPK (yes, you can get a heart on your customized license plate in California. Also, a star).

At first it was scary because I thought it was in reference to my former employer, which would have been bad enough. But this was much more frightening.

As we pulled up behind the car, we were able to read the license plate frame:

“I [Heart] Cabbage Patch Kids.”

The fact that someone would still have something that said that on their car in 2005 says that there are a lot of scary, very bored people in this country.

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