That’ll Show Him 4

In my overwhelming anger at getting a Christmas catalog a week after Labor day last night, I forgot to post the most amusing part of my day.

I was driving up Beverly Blvd. in the middle of Beverly Hills, and there was a guy stopped in the middle of traffic, holding jumper cables and trying to look as pathetic as possible.

His car was covered in pro-Bush and Republican bumper stickers, and people were just blowing by him left and right.

I’m not sure if it was because of the bumper stickers or the fact that he refused to move his car out of the middle of the goddamn street, but it still made me smile.

God bless Hollywood liberals.

4 thoughts on “That’ll Show Him

  1. Reply Joel Sep 15,2004 9:09 pm

    I don’t know why, but I can’t stop giggling at this. I think it’s your excellent use of the word “goddamn.” 🙂

  2. Reply Laz Sep 15,2004 10:29 pm

    Maybe it was because of that episode of Six Feet Under a few weeks ago…

  3. Reply Laz Sep 16,2004 6:05 am

    I was at Wal-Mart today. And alongside all the magazines were four, count ’em, Christmas catalogs. Oddly enough, no Rosh Hashanah catalogs.

  4. Reply Mark Sep 16,2004 7:00 pm

    I’m sorry…all the oil-covered seals have been reserved for cleaning by celebrities. You can clean this rock.

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