Test 3

This is a test of the emergency blog unfucking system.

Update: There’s something screwy in the Haloscan code that’s making the blog act weird in Safari. I’ll fix it when I get home.

Update Update, 9:40pm: Ok, I can’t quite figure out what’s going on, but it looks like the comment code is fighting with the way Safari reads whether there’s an RSS feed for the page. Sadly, it’s definitely nothing I can fix.

What I suggest to my Safari-based friends is to subscribe to the RSS feed until either Haloscan or Apple unfucks their code, since the RSS appears to be unaffected.

Each post’s individual page that you access by clicking the item in an RSS feeder seems to work fine, and you can access comments that way.

Or you can just play chicken with the reload/stop button. That’s a bit more sporting.

3 thoughts on “Test

  1. Reply Ellen Nov 30,-0001 12:00 am

    this is a further test.

  2. Reply TRoyal Jun 20,2006 1:20 pm

    Seems okay now.

  3. Reply Ellen Jun 20,2006 2:33 pm

    Still not working in safari for me. Bah. Stupid browser.

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